Walk-In Showers

“Walk in showers, walk-in tubs and grab bars- where do we start to make sure a home is ready for someone as they age?” I read up on some of the training given to remodelers that earn their CAPs certification (Certified Aging in Place). They follow these 3 guidelines and priorities when updating a home for aging in Place.

  1. Life safety issues- checking smoke and carbon monoxide detectors is first and often neglected as the elderly start to slow down with maintain their home themselves. Security is important, so we add extra deadbolt or chain locks. BUT make sure that it’s easy to get in and out of the house in case of an emergency.
  2. Fall prevention- Non slip surfaces, handrails on the front steps and well-lit walk ways or entrances. As people get older they neglect some of these basic maintenance issues.
  3. Convenience – Most people will appreciate any bathroom updates the most for easy access and ease of use. A high rise toilet and a floating vanity help if someone is in a wheel chair or uses a walker.

Walk in showers and walk in bathtubs allow people with mobility issue to bath themselves or bath with a little assistance.

So whether you’re remodeling for your home, and want this to be the last time you update, or for a loved one, prioritize the changes needed. I hope these tips will help you decide where to start and when to hire someone!


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